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2017 CrossFit Invitational gear is now available at store.crossfit.com.
Apparel will also be available on site at the Invitational, this Sunday, Nov. 5, in Melbourne, Australia. #CrossFitInvitational #CanadaTeam #PacificTeam #EuropeTeam #USATeam

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🤳 @blacksmifff
“Being #kindadeployed here in Eastern Europe has made full on #CrossFitGames training take a backseat to Army training (sir). To that end I’ve narrowed my focus to working on the following:
1. Taking calf size from “abhorrent” to “kinda embarrassing.”
2. Improving front rack mobility and movement execution.
3. Developing Games level rowing, burpees, double unders, inverted movements, and strict gymnastics.
4. Becoming the best runner and endurance athlete in #CrossFit.
5. Making the most of every situation.
Time will tell if these are feasible or not, but for now it gives me the illusion of control in an unpredictable environment. Making lemonade every day.
PC: @daniel_pierce
#Games2022” #CrossFitGames #CrossFit

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🤳 @jamesnewbury 🇦🇺: "Just touched down in Melbourne 🙌 Less than 7 days to go! Who’s going to the invitational?? @crossfitgames #invitational #crossfit #pacificteam #aussies"
🎟 Tickets to the 2017 Invitational are available at Games.CrossFit.com
📷 @davexre

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