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19665220 1399720770105039 824435734546864519 n
19665220 1399720770105039 824435734546864519 n

Onshore wind and choppy one foot surf... but barrels of fun !
Naish Hover Ascend 5’0 with Thrust Large surf wing.
@naishfoiling @redbull @quiksilver #loyaltothefoil

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I took my windsurf foiling gear to Kailua this past weekend and had an absolute blast. We sailed at sunrise , through the day and even gave a night session a try. I am still learning all the time, speeds are getting pretty damn fast now, and I’m loving it. Hype aside, if you kitesurf, sup, surf or windsurf I suggest you give foiling a try sometime....
@whitesellphoto @redbull @quiksilver @naishsails @naishfoiling #kailua #oahu #hawaii #windfoiling

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19665220 1399720770105039 824435734546864519 n

Lets go for a little Hover!
@naishfoiling @quiksilver @redbull #windsurfing #windfoiling #maui #makingthemostoflightwinds

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