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19665220 1399720770105039 824435734546864519 n

Heading back to Maui from Leipzig and the Red Bull German Athlete Summit. It was a pleasure meeting all these talented young athletes and sharing some of my thoughts, some stories and some humble advice on being a pro...
@redbull #leipzig #redbullathletesummit #rbleipzig

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Not a lot of wind or waves since I got home from Costa Rica but I’ve been having some between session fun working on the latest project car, a 1949 Studebaker 2R5 pickup.... a big block Mopar powered Hot Rod that can still carry boards to the beach!! #hotrod #studebaker #splitwindow @quiksilver @redbull

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Stoked, sun burnt and tired legs from such long rides.... Heading back home from some pretty epic surf in Costa Rica....
@redbull @quiksilver @naishfoiling @naishsup @chuckpatterson

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