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19665220 1399720770105039 824435734546864519 n

Pre-race strategy with #sebastianvettel and #adriannewey ...📷 @kymillman @redbullracing @redbull @f1 @quiksilver #austingp

44493379 1931223436954767 6129576427755929600 o

Front straight... Formula 1 U S Grand Prix.
@redbull @f1 #cota #austingp

44407272 1930166477060463 8067432570398179328 o

The first surfboard I bought with my own money... how lucky I am to have been raised in Kailua by parents that loved the ocean and let me follow this path that became my life. So many boards, so many waves, so many years later and still chasing wind and waves, I’m lucky as hell and appreciative as ever.... #hawaii #surf #lovelife @quiksilver @redbull @naishsup

43760080 1917434695000308 7486975896486674432 o