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Img 20171202 141813

Who bets they will lose their flight??

Dsc 0449

Aris Xamas over 8 years
Re pousti mou den xerw pws ginetai panta me auto to paidi... Ptisi 21:05, anevikame sto aeroplano 21:10 me sprint... oi geloioi den mas afinan na paroume to prioni tou ftuariou sto aeroplano...
Theodore Bougioukos over 8 years

Aris Xamas over 8 years
mou eipan ela Elvetia, alpeis xlidi kai tetoia.
Irene Xama over 8 years
Theodore Bougioukos over 8 years
Come in Suisse they said.. It will be fun they said..