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10636348 10204381887381087 8762426359972218590 o
10636348 10204381887381087 8762426359972218590 o

10636348 10204381887381087 8762426359972218590 o

Poios thelei na me voithisei na agorasw skis gia freeride and ski touring? :)

Theodore Bougioukos over 8 years
What's the case? ?
Sofia Th over 8 years
Radius? Wide or narrow? Light or heavy?
Sofia Th over 8 years
Ski Level: Entry off piste Level 1 -A good on-piste skier who can handle black runs without problems. Able to link turns and stop safely on steep slopes. Feeling: mentally and physically ready to go off piste. You will need a go for it attitude and be physically fit.
Sofia Th over 8 years
Level 8 to 9 Early advanced to advanced: I am a confident experienced skier and like to go fast on reds, blacks are no problem and I am linking turns in fresh snow just off-piste.
Sofia Th over 8 years
Bougioukos will you enlight me?
Theodore Bougioukos over 8 years
Radius medium max 23m, stiff and heavy with light bindings and metal inside, waist 100 is good for what you want and multiple questions quality of snow, not for deep , but it works, depending on the price there are many options l can recommend you
Theodore Bougioukos over 8 years
*variable quality of snow
Theodore Bougioukos over 8 years
*variable quality of snow
theXtreme.me over 8 years
Sofia Th for your safety, please delete your latest comment in order for your number not to be publicly accessed.

Theodore Bougioukos almost 9 years
Sofia Th almost 9 years
Many freeride opportunities..