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Logo athens throwdown

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Improving judging level: all Athens Throwdown judges enrich their knowledge through three free seminars! Next stops: 19/02 at Royal CrossFit and 19/03 at CrossFit Kallithea, Fitness Factory Volos Box and The Lab.

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1) In WOD 2B you have to do max reps * kgs. You can choose any weight you want and you can have a second barbel ready for that. No racks allowed! Furthermore, you have to obligatory start 2B on minute 9. If you finish 2A earlier, then you rest until minute 9.
2) In WOD 1, during one arm hang power KB snatch, it's 10 repetitions per arm, and you have to finish the first arm first and then move to the other. Please be careful, the movement is not Kb Snatch, it's from hang position.
3) Measure the target before wall ball shots. If you have to convert kgs to lbs, then you have to round up.
4) Please follow video standards during filming! If you don't follow video standards, your video may be no repped.

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