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43403071 2183622135244208 172144681520463872 n

Tomorrow, it's on. Tell us how you feelπŸ˜πŸ‘‡πŸ»
@1rmphotography @gorillagripnl @kwakzalversports @wodapp_nl

46520064 2209029022703519 6391472581299404800 o

Are the nerves coming yet?😏Three days till qualifiers! You can still sign up via www.thedutchthrowdown.nl βœ…

46516497 2208167019456386 760486262552395776 n

πŸ”œA little hint for the qualifiers... of course there will be barbells!❀ But which movement.. which weights..how many reps? What are your guesses?😁 #yourjourneystartshere #crossfit #thedutchthrowdown2019 @wodapp_nl @kwakzalversports @gorillagripnl

46485745 2207017339571354 5976752678091358208 o