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43403071 2183622135244208 172144681520463872 n
43403071 2183622135244208 172144681520463872 n

🔥 We are still looking for a few crewmembers and preferably for the Friday.
Do you want to be part of our tournament? then fill out the form.🔥

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‼️Get the last (semi) spectator tickets now online and save money #dutchthrowdown #yourjourneystartshere #spectator #crossfit #save

51135289 2252338195039268 2151735605493497856 o

43403071 2183622135244208 172144681520463872 n

The Dutch Throwdown is for every level, that is what makes it so special 🔥 Only 3 weeks left till the final weekend in den Bosch, who is getting excited?😏

#dutchthrowdown #yourjourneystartshere #thedutchthrowdown

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