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13260957 1024985210919725 1527866708 n

happy birthday to my brother @nofoodporn always killin it on a bike ! #bmx #nyc #ny #newyork #goodtimes #happybirthday

23161409 144386306291289 6694792315728297984 n

new frame special thanks to @legendbikesusa @lbubikecompany ! #animalbikes #bmx #lbubikecompany #nj #newjersey #new

23161589 156298735111045 3243340073923510272 n

the homie @mikeosso4130 NYC harlem insta bar #animalbikes #bmx #nyc #newyork #ny #manhattan #goodtimes

23161089 1017600105048129 4478170491810480128 n