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15285047 1211801802268997 1255440784474936268 n
15285047 1211801802268997 1255440784474936268 n

Did you enjoied the 27 cal?
What about 21 more? #FallSeries2017 #BringYourBalls #WeAreViral #PeopleOfFallSeries #QualifierWod1

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15285047 1211801802268997 1255440784474936268 n

The time its over!
Take your sit on the rower.
For 27 cal!

#FallSeries2017 #BringYourBalls #WeAreViral #PeopleOfFallSeries

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Do not forget to have fun, even during the competition. You are ready to have fun?
#FallSeriesThrowdown #BringYourBalls #FSTD17

21761540 1509108155871692 686649535528018762 n