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IT: Tieni alta la concentrazione: manca una settimana a #FallSeries2017.

EN: Stay focused: one week to #FallSeries2017


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I send my athletes to Fall Series because ...
Here are the coaches motivation.
Giancarlo Tagliabue, Co-Owner of Crossfit Bulwark.
#FallSeries2017 #BringYourBalls #PeopleOfFallSeries #WeAreViral #WhyFallSeries

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Correva l'anno 2015...
Vi diamo un piccolo indizio: nessuno di questi esercizi verrà usato nelle qualifiche di quest'anno. 🙊 #FallSeries2017 #BringYourBalls #WeAreViral #PeopleOfFallSeries

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