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Amparo Maluendez living by the motto "Yes, live one day at a time, you never know what tomorrow holds."
What is your motto?

38612265 1997751013589124 684089050738458624 o

A dream came true for SWOX rider @alenaehrenbold . She´s traveling around the world for three years now - surfing, writing for magazines and producing surf movies. What a life! STAY GOLD!

38250008 1992014364162789 7035674129025990656 o

The best way to end a day and to find peace? A SUP tour on a glassy lake, surrounded by mountains and nature @Paulina.Herpel @xploreyourfitbySinah @sportscheckwomen

38128638 1988289771201915 1694224311755210752 o