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25% more Teams, 15% more Individuals: Athens Throwdown 2020 is coming back bigger than ever, with 1.104 athletes in the three day finals!

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Ready? More than 1.000 athletes will qualify in the arena of Athens Throwdown 2020! Registrations opening: 1st of November 2019!

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1) In WOD 2, measure your box putting a visible to the camera mark, even if its dimensions are written on it!

2) In WOD 2, when you alternate your hands in dumbbell snatches, your new grip must be under the top of your head!

3) In WOD 2, the monitor of the Concept2 row must be set to zero at the beginning of each effort or on reverse counting mode! Athletes only can touch the display of the Concept2 ERG!

4) In WOD 3, use the lower weight in the 20 first Deadlifts then the heavier weight in the 20 last Deadlifts! Two barbells are allowed!

5) Use the same angle to film all your WODs as indicated in the videos!

The repetitions which don't follow the standards and are not clear may be judged as NO REP. Please read the Complete Movement Standards Guide before filming your videos: http://bit.ly/2STXxYc

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