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11025708 10152849068158124 7999263950076553120 o

"@AlexHonnold on the final load carry up The Great Gorge to our ski plane pickup. Notice Alex only has one heal lifted? That is because he broke his binding earlier that day and had to strap his boot to his ski, essentially making him have to literally limp for 5 hours uphill with over 100lbs of gear. It falls into the 'character building experience' category and he didn't complain once." Photo and Words by @Renan_Ozturk. Watch "Life Coach" feat. Alex and Renan in clicking the link in our bio.

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@Pfaff_Anna cracking herself up. Photo by @JeffRueppel

22352559 351185021972961 2932871478099574784 n

Rapping sensation @Conrad_Anker. Photo by @SherpasCinema

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