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Day2 photos of PWA World Tour Windsurfing

#GranCanaria #GranDestino
#GCIslaEuropeaDelDeporte #GCEuropeanSportsIsland #SantaLuciaCiudadEuropeaDelDeporte #SantaLuciaEuropeanSportsCity
#IslasCanarias #TheCanaryIsland #LatitudDeVida #Latitutoflife

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La visión de Ben Proffitt y Windsurfing.TV siempre es diferente!
Aquí tienes el resumen del día 2 en #gcwwf2018... Acción, acción y más acción!
#GranCanaria #GranDestino
#GCIslaEuropeaDelDeporte #GCEuropeanSportsIsland #SantaLuciaCiudadEuropeaDelDeporte #SantaLuciaEuropeanSportsCity
#IslasCanarias #TheCanaryIsland #LatitudDeVida #Latitutoflife

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🇬🇧🇺🇸🇦🇺Epic conditions for an unforgettable championship, do you want to know the opinions of the single elimnation winners?

Congratulations Philip Köster, Marcilio Browne, Victor Fernández Official Fansite and Alex Mussolini E-30

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