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Andy Laufer just received his new brand new Falcon Speed proto he designed in cooperation with Sebastian Wenzel and Daniel Aeberli! Now the pressure is on - time to train for the upcoming speed events! #addictedtoride #fanaticwindsurf #needforspeed #falconspeed #fullpower

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Double time for Gollito Estredo 💯🔝 #addictedtoride #fanaticwindsurf #grip #trainingtime #upintheair

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After some days of nuclear winds but also no wind at all, the PWA World Tour Windsurfing Viana do Castelo, Portugal came to an end and Pierre Mortefon once more finished on the podium in 3rd! Pics: John Carter #addictedtoride #fanaticwindsurf #falcon #slalom #welldone

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