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Tarifa does not deliver waves too often, but if there´s any swell around, you can be sure to meet Fred Bonnef right there! Pics: Furacão #addictedtoride #fanaticwindsurf #grip #homesweethome

45717281 1998412826864606 8171205826447409152 o

Shades of green! Pic: Jean-Mat De Ridder #addictedtoride #fanaticwindsurf #grip #greenenergy

45667873 1997945020244720 7798757914784563200 o

Fancy a Slalom session? Then TWSwindsurf is the place to be! #addictedtoride #fanaticwindsurf #falcon #slalom #trainingtime

45500477 1996461033726452 5274680354471411712 o