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1002292 10151736045551605 1490943273 n

@nrgreen3 chasing rainbows in Castle Hill, New Zealand.

#liveclimbrepeat Photo: Jeremy Douglas

21878986 128672744453142 2841994655925534720 n

"You feel so tiny and out of your comfort zone out on these wild mountain cliffs." —BD Athlete @dailaojeda
Watch the video, link in profile. Photo: @bernardo_gimenez

21909559 1738010506244179 5990888188556607488 n

Ski touring in an otherworldly environment, navigating past fumaroles, active volcanic steam vents, at the base of Asahidake, Hokkaido. ⠀

#liveskirepeat Photo: @scott_kranz

21909874 2206315169595593 6100139370449207296 n