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1379784 10156350780045551 4879378651195003991 n

Kona auction #2 is live, current pro rankings, and a peek at next weekend's regional championship race all in today's #MondayRoundup!


31179952 10160412461785551 6708570691072950272 n

The brazilians Igor Amorelli and Pamella Oliveira are the First Champions of IRONMAN 70.3 Florianópolis! #IM703Floripa #IMBrasil

31124241 10160408596320551 7316208284560523264 o

This beautiful sunrise greeted us today to start the new IRONMAN 70.3 Florianópolis! #IM703Floripa #IMBrasil

31123556 10160408275565551 4060513694260396032 o