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15285047 1211801802268997 1255440784474936268 n
15285047 1211801802268997 1255440784474936268 n

One shot One Kill! +100 per Wod 1..
Tranquilli, Francesca Massarenti sta bene!
Registratevi e inviateci i vostri video più divertenti!

#FallSeries2017 #BringYourBalls #PeopleOfFallSeries #WeAreViral

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Don't you worry about a tee 'cause you will get the ONE that really count.

-6 days to the deadline!!!!

#FallSeries2017 #PeopleOfFallSeries #WeAreViral #BringYourBalls

22140898 1518025434979964 7380379739280894951 n

🇬🇧Before the deadline be sure you've got the credentials to access competition corner and that you have made the access to the platform at least one time on order to learn how to properly submit your score and video link. We suggest to not wait the last minute because assistance could no be provided on time if you should have particular issues

🇮🇹 Prima della chiusura del Wod 1 vi invitiamo ad assicurarvi di aver ricevuto le credenziali di accesso a Competition Corner e di aver provato ad accedervi in modo tale da potervi aiutare in caso di anomalie. Non aspettate l’ultimo minuto in quanto non assicuriamo di potervi aiutare in tempo.

22154681 1517343581714816 3646116508660992128 n