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15285047 1211801802268997 1255440784474936268 n
15285047 1211801802268997 1255440784474936268 n

🇮🇹Vi ricordiamo che trovate le Heat del Wod 4 aggiornate a questo link:
👉🏻 http://www.fallseriestd.com/schedule/
🇬🇧We want to remind you that you find the Heat of Wod 4 updates here:
👉🏻 http://www.fallseriestd.com/schedule/
#FallSeries2017 #PeopleOfFallSeries #BringYourBalls #WeAreViral #xeniosusa #equipmentforthefittest #Stenorex #VitaminStore

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🇮🇹Questa è la timeline per il Wod 4 di domani.
🇬🇧This is the timeline of Event 4.

#Fallseries2017 #WeAreViral #PeopleOfFallSeries #BringYourBalls

24232234 1582149218567585 6339510265433773440 n