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Great opportunity for our SWOX-Community & Friends in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Tag your favourite summer beach shot and with a little bit of luck become a Board Member for a 7 days trip to Barbados this March 2018! #fotoshoot #sportscheck #travel #surf #swox #staygold

Einfach dein Lieblings-Beach-Foto mit dem Hashtag #esbeginntaufbarbados und #SportScheck in deinem Kanal taggen.

What?? Genau, so einfach ist das! Alle Infos zu der Aktion findest du hier, Link: http://bit.ly/2pbw6ii

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The SWOX community is growing!

Considering that the Central European Alps are currently blanketed in deep, fresh powder, the newest members of the SWOX team may come as a surprise; these athletes prefer their H2O in liquid form:

the Swiss surfer Alena Ehrenbold, her German colleague Lilly von Treuenfels, the Polish kitesurfer Agata Dobrzynska, and the surfers Leon Glatzer from Germany and Dale Staples from South Africa.


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