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Who inspires you?
Sometimes in life there comes along an individual that dedicates himself to a cause. Dr. Craig O’Connell has dedicated himself to the ocean and sharks. He has the passion and courage to protect, speak up and educate people about the real nature of #sharks and their behavior.
We are SO proud to call you a #cressi ambassador. Craig O'Connell

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CRESSI AMBASSADOR. In questa notizia, trasmessa al telegiornale del 3 giugno 2019 dalla RAI - Radiotelevisione Italiana, al minuto 30:20' (fino a 32:05') si può vedere il campione di apnea GUILLAUME NÉRY, che ha trasformato le sue immersioni in mostre artistiche: nei suoi video, che contano milioni di visualizzazioni, il grido di aiuto dell'oceano, minacciato da INQUINAMENTO e PESCA SELVAGGIA. Inoltre, sabato 8 giugno 2019, in prima serata su RAI 3, Néry sarà OSPITE “IN DIRETTA” della trasmissione “Ogni cosa è illuminata”, durante la quale sarà proiettato per circa 10 minuti il suo ultimo film! /
In this news, broadcasted on the TV news of June 3, 2019 by RAI - Radiotelevisione Italiana, at the minute 30:20' (until 32:05') you can see the freediving champion Guillaume Néry, who has transformed his dives into artistic exhibitions: in his videos, which count millions of views, the cry for help of the ocean, threatened by POLLUTION and WILD FISHING. In addition, saturday, June 8 2019, in prime time on RAI 3, Néry will be a “LIVE” GUEST in the program “Ogni cosa è illuminata” (Everything is illuminated), during which his last film will be shown for about 10 minutes!

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Credits: Mark Tilley
Diver: Britney Ouellette

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