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πŸ’ͺπŸ‘Œ with @federicomorisio
β€˜These sessions are what I windsurf for, what I dream of and what I live for!πŸ™ŒπŸ™πŸ»πŸ™ŒπŸ’™πŸ”₯ These are tough times but I will keep sharing what makes us happy, what we wake up in the morning thinking of and what we dedicated our lifestyles to!πŸ™ŒπŸ„β€β™‚οΈπŸ’― Even though right now most of us are closed in their houses, I want you to keep dreaming of future sessions, I want you to realize how lucky we are to have this sport in our lives and how wonderful Nature is, now that we're so far from it!πŸ™ŒπŸ’™πŸŒŽ I'm #grateful for all this and I will keep dreaming of it everyday!πŸ’­β€πŸ€™πŸΌπŸ’― #Windsurfing
πŸ“½ @fotomarketingchile .’
#pwaworldtour #windsurf #windsurfing #wind #windsurfer #windsurfers #windy #pwagirls #worldtour

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Dear Friends
Undoubtedly, by now, everyone is feeling the impact of coronavirus COVID-19, both professionally and in their personal lives. While it is our duty to ensure we do the best for our sport and for everyone involved in windsurfing and the PWA, we all have to ensure that we do what is required for the long term good of our communities, friends and families as well. The health and safety of people the world over needs to be a priority for all of us.
Travel limitations and rules preventing large public gatherings make it impossible for most events to happen at this time. The huge demands that the current situation is putting on society cannot be underestimated and, as with many other sporting organisations, we have to support all necessary actions in the fight against coronavirus, including cancelling or postponing events as we have done already.
The impact of the virus extends far beyond just limitations on travel and large gatherings, it has also significantly impacted other aspects of the PWA Tour, with much of the new 2020 equipment needed by our athletes to compete being unavailable still, on the large part due to China’s initial shutdown, which kept many of the factories from producing equipment...Click for the rest of the update on the link in our bio. πŸ‘†

#pwaworldtour #windsurf #windsurfing #wind #windsurfer #windsurfers #windy #pwagirls #worldtour

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Port or Starboard tack it doesn't matter for @robbyswift... Double forward fun!

#Repost @robbyswift (@get_repost)
Back on Maui. Can’t wait for some more of this. Doesn’t look like we will have long to wait either :) Video: @acl_cinema / @neilpryde_wind / @jp_australia_com
#windsurfing #neilpryde #jpaustralia #mysticboarding #incontrol #mauicars #swox #howihammer #tectonicsmaui #hilx


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