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383418 10150754731800166 1042307437 n

Welcome to a wet and windy start to Day 4.

22070995 1725090911134190 2909253594672791552 n

Marco Lang on Fire 🔥
Result Elimination 2 Mercedes-Benz Sylt PWA Super Grand Slam - Men's Slalom

1st Marco Lang
2nd Pierre Mortefon
3rd Ross Williams
4th Vincent Langer
5th Mateus Isaac
6th Arnon Dagan
7th Jordy Vonk
8th Cedric Bordes
9th Gonzalo Costa Hoevel
10th Julian Quentel

#windsurf #slalom #racing #foiling #mercedesbenz #sylt #germany #pwaworldtour

22069963 317237488749449 1699245300322926592 n