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12227645 823944671058520 1059210988221619031 n
12227645 823944671058520 1059210988221619031 n

2 weeks of summer heat in the desert, 2 wrecked trucks, 2 tons of trundled rock, 3 destroyed ropes, 3 30-racks of PBR. Attempting to free climb an old desert aid route in June? Totally worth it. ⠀

#liveclimbrepeat Photo: @miahwatt
BD Ambassador @brittany_griffith

23348004 365948527190322 6952497448774270976 n

12227645 823944671058520 1059210988221619031 n

12227645 823944671058520 1059210988221619031 n
Fb img 1471722686545

The first ascent of one of the deepest gorge in the World.

David Lama is an Austrian climber. He wanted to climb for the first time the Baatara Gorge in Lebanon. The submit is high of 100 meters and when the snow melt a waterfall of 90 meters appears. A tough exercise that is enhanced by the amazing pictures that show the depth of the gorge.

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