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12525599 1001396609933990 2775689563840411815 o
12525599 1001396609933990 2775689563840411815 o

Yesterday was a big mountain day :P So good to be up on the glacier, ski some big stuff and be back midday to chill in the sun :)
SCOTT Sports #verleihtflügel #noshortcuts

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It's always fun to go on a mission with my dad 😂👌🏽 We got surprised by an alpine sauna at the "Bella Vista" hut after hiking and skiing from Austria to Italy.

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Narrow ridge traverses make me smile(and take selfies) 😄 So good to be out there again without a bruised rib! Just got back from a 3-day skitouring mission from Austria to Italy 😋

SCOTT Sports #verleihtflügel #noshortcuts

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