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#Repost @vicente_romero #welcome
I'm really happy to be part of the @dakine_surf family. Thanks a lot for the support and I will give my best to respond to your confidence /// Estoy muy contento de entrar a formar parte de la familia de @dakine . Muchas gracias por este gran apoyo y daré lo mejor de mí mismo para responder a vuestra confianza. #dakine#ohana#surf // 📷 @paauu_gg

22580859 2401072556784470 1907429546345365504 n

Join Louif Paradis (@whatelze) for the world premiere of his and @dronepilot27 #beaconvideo project. #dakine #snowboarding

22581993 912439315577412 8963906035936919552 n

“As I get wiser in my years, I realize the more you are true to yourself, the better you feel—especially when it comes to taking care of yourself with the proper gear in harsh conditions. I feel like the best version of myself when I’m happy. That’s what makes the vibe right, and when the vibe is right, it just transforms into more joy within my crew" - @leannepelosi
📷: @markwelshphoto #dakine #snowboarding

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